Comparing Heuristic Efficiencies in Solving the Set Cover Problem


  • Eric Kim Seoul International School



Combinatorial Optimization Problem, Particle Swarm Optimization, Algorithm, Combinatorics, Set Cover Problem


Most combinatorial optimization problems can be solved using various heuristic approaches, but it is often a challenge to determine which is the best option out of the vast choices of heuristics. One such heuristic is the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), which is compared to the greedy algorithm in order to determine which is more efficient for solving the Set Cover problem. In order to compare the efficiency of the two algorithms, the runtime and solution of each of the algorithms will be used to find the runtime to solution ratio. Unlike the greedy algorithm, which has no adjustable variables, the PSO algorithm consists of three adjustable variables--maximum generation, maximum fitness, and particle numbers-- that are to be increased in various magnitudes while keeping the ratio between the three variables constant. The code is then run ten times for each magnitude, and the resulting runtime and solution are recorded and averaged. From the recorded data, the time to solution ratio of the two algorithms suggest that the PSO algorithm is more efficient than the greedy algorithm. Although the solution for the PSO was inconsistent for lower magnitudes of variables, it was optimized as the magnitude increased. The efficiency of the PSO algorithm indicates potential for the algorithm to be applied in other combinatorial optimization problems.


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How to Cite

Eric Kim. (2022). Comparing Heuristic Efficiencies in Solving the Set Cover Problem . iJournals:International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering ISSN:2347-4890, 10(7).