IJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering (IJSHRE)
Volume 6 Issue 4

1Image Steganography Based on Modified Adaptive Pixel Pair Matching and Discrete Wavelet Transform
Author(s): Nan Mo Kham, Nang Aye Aye Htwe
Pg: 1-9

2Comparative Analysis and Simulation of Beam Steering Algorithm for S-band Reception in Moving Vehicle
Author(s): Foram Desani; Mr.Anil K.Sisodia
Pg: 10-15

3Hybrid News Recommendation Policy using TF-IDF and Similarity Weight Index
Author(s): Vikram Singh; Prof Prasanna Kapse
Pg: 16-20

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Impact Factor

IJSHRE: 6.028 (2022)

IJSRC: 6.004 (2022)


Paper Recieved: 20124

Total Authors: 15125

Accepted Paper: 9836