iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
Volume 6 Issue 8
August - 2018

1Prediction of Criminal Tendency of High-risk Personnel Based on Combination of Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine
Author(s): Fang Yang; Chunxue Wu; Naixue Xiong; Yan Wu
Pg: 1-10
Author(s): Mr. Hemant Diwate; Mr. Sunil Kumar Bhatt
Pg: 11-16
3Experimental Performance Comparison of Localization Algorithm based on RSSI for Indoor Environment
Author(s): Cho Cho Htwe; Myo Myint Maw
Pg: 17-23
4Development of Paddy Diseased Leaf Classification System Using Modified Color Conversion
Author(s): Khaing War Htun; Chit Su Htwe
Pg: 24-32
5Image Retrieval Based on Sketches Using Modified Histogram Oriented Gradient
Author(s): Yin Mon Oo; Nang Aye Aye Htwe
Pg: 33-39
6An Enhanced Method for Data Hiding in Video File Based on Proposed Random Pixel Block Selection Algorithm
Author(s): Thiri Yin; May Htet
Pg: 4-47
7Prediction of Path Loss for Building Corner at 2.4 GHz
Author(s): Phoo Mon Htet; Phyo Thu Zar Tun
Pg: 48-53
8International Data Encryption Algorithm and Modified R-weighted Method for Data Confidentiality

Author(s): Thin Thin Thaw; Nang Aye Aye Htwe
Pg: 54-60

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IJSHRE: 6.028 (2022)

IJSRC: 6.004 (2022)


Paper Recieved: 20124

Total Authors: 15125

Accepted Paper: 9836