Volume 8 Issue 1


iJournals: International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering
Volume 8 Issue 1
January- 2020

1Correlation from Customer Satisfaction and Customer Complaint Intention for Online Shopping in JABODETABEK Area with Integration of Justice, Technology, and Trust
Author(s):Alian Mursalatiufin; Ghazian A. Janitra
Pg: 1-9
2A Survey on Securing Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Author(s):Ramkrishan Nagde; Paras Bhanopiya
Pg: 10-15
3The Impact of E-service, Perceived Hedonicity, Perceived Utilitarian and Perceived Enjoyment on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Telecom Industry
Author(s):Shella Alvina,Ircha Mega Kartika Affandi
Pg: 16-26
4Frontal Facial Image Compression of Hybrid Base
Author(s):Dr. Ghadah Al-Khafaji and Weqar M. Yasee
Pg: 27-37
5Microbubble Generator (MBG) as Aeration System in Techno Park Retention Basin
Author(s):Tri Yulianti, Sri Puji Saraswati, Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad
Pg: 38-43
6Seismic Analysis of High Rise Irregular Building (Vertical Irregularity) with and without Floating column
Author(s):ArpitDubey, Gajendra Kumar Verma
Pg: 44-56
7Cloud Centric Real Time Mobile Learning System for Computer Science
Author(s):Shah Muhammad Butt , Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh and Dr. Stephen John
Pg: 57-60
8Factors Influencing Millennials (Gen-Y) towards
Housing Purchase Intention in Jakarta

Author(s):Estrella Judith Clari Hetharia; Stella Belinda Kartika Putri
Pg: 61-68
9Machine Learning: Decision Trees - a Review
Tri Yulianti, Sri Puji Saraswati, Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad
Pg: 69-80
10Design and Implementation of DG-MOSFET based Low Leakage S-RAM on 90nm CMOS
Author(s):Megha Bairagi,Prof.K.S.Solanki
Pg: 81-89
11Implementation of Low Power Dynamic Comparator with Shorted Outputs on 90nm CMOS Technology
Author(s):Kartik Neema, K.S.Solanki
Pg: 90-96

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Impact Factor

IJSHRE: 6.028 (2022)

IJSRC: 6.004 (2022)


Paper Recieved: 20124

Total Authors: 15125

Accepted Paper: 9836