IJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC)
Volume 11 Issue 8

1Introduction to the Importance of Local Taxes in Generation Z Instagram Users
Author(s):Rini Rahmawati; Asrid Juniar; Ali Wardhana; M. Zainal Abidin; Achmad Suhaili
Pg: 1-5
2Sell In May Effect
Author(s): Riddhi Jain
Pg: 6-10
3To what extent does China's debt trap diplomacy affect the Sri Lankan Economy?
Author(s): Yashita R. Pujari
Pg: 11-15
4Video Gaming as a Solution to World Problems: An Emerging Paradigm in Research and Development
Author(s): Divy Jain
Pg: 16-20
5The Importance of Video Tutorials on Agenda Information System Implementation
Author(s): Fatkhur Rochman; Izzatul Ulya; Diana Eka Poernamawati
Pg: 21-23

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All published articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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Impact Factor

IJSHRE: 6.028 (2022)

IJSRC: 6.004 (2022)


Paper Recieved: 20124

Total Authors: 15125

Accepted Paper: 9836