IJSRC Volume 2 Issue 5

1. Concept of Truth and Subjectivity in Kierkegaard’s Philosophy Pg. 1-5
Author(s): Dr. Shanjendu Nath Download


2. Instructional leadership and student achievement: A comparative analysis of former group B (S2) secondary schools in Masvingo urban, Zimbabwe Pg. 6–16
Author(s):  Elliott Nkoma, Josiah Taru, John Mapfumo Download


3. Identity, Memory and Gender in Child naming Among the Acholi people of Northern
Pg. 17-24
Author(s): Charles Amone Download


4. Can Tourism Sector Steer The Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET)? Pg. 25-29
Author(s): Anna Chingarande Download