IJSRC Volume 2 Issue 6

1. Does Political Instability Affect Tourism: A Case of Egypt Pg. 1-4
Author(s): Anna Chingarande Download


2. The European Union and African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States: Economic Partnership Agreements and the Effects of Reciprocity Pg. 5–42
Author(s):  Macleans Mzumara, Anna Chingarande and Roseline Karambakuwa Download


3. Certain Investigations on Curriculum Development for Engineering students Pg. 43-46
Author(s): J Aruna Angeline, Dr.R.Ganesan & C.Chamundeshwari Download


4. Effective Teacher: An Overview Pg. 47-52
Author(s):  Neetu Dalal Download


5. Ethical Values In The Works Of Tiruvalluvar- Vemana-Kabir :A Comparitive Study Pg. 53-57
Author(s): Mrs. Dr. Lakshmi Aiyar N Download