IJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC)
Volume 6 Issue 8

1This article is removedThis article is removed
2Investigating the role of relationship marketing and customer satisfaction on customer repurchasing
decisions and the company's image intermediation effect on it

Author(s): Mirza Hasan Hosseini; Mehran gholami
Pg: 32-40
3The Impact of Sporting Events Ownership on Public Perceptions and Brand Equity
Author(s): Alanoud Almeraikhi
Pg: 41-141
4Case Study: Spectatorships during Doha 2015 IPC Athletics World Championships
Author(s): Al Anoud Al Meraikhi; Asil Al-Bardawil; Al Anoud Shabana
5Zulal Oasis: The Future of Agriculture in Qatar
Author(s): Al Anoud Al Meraikhi

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Impact Factor

IJSHRE: 6.028 (2022)

IJSRC: 6.004 (2022)


Paper Recieved: 20124

Total Authors: 15125

Accepted Paper: 9836